Wednesday, May 10, 2006

At long last...

Thank you, Julia Reid, for all the time and effort and patience and self-sacrifice you put into A) this amazing blog that I couldn't have even begin to create without you! and B) our friendship. You are an amazing person and I am sorry I haven't been around as much this past month. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankouthankyouthankyou!

and now for something completely different...

The drive to self-expression has finally overcome the perfectionist in me, and so I begin my new blog- what will, hopefully, become a place where I can document my first year (of many?) in the Czech Republic as well as rant, rave, wax poetic, and create an outlet for my overdramatic tendencies. Also, gehen wir!

I never know how to begin. The (repressed) writer in me wants to grab your attention with some witty, profound, intellectual angle that only I can see, but that you may understand. It's been so long since I've written...well, anything really, and so I have many of such sentences stored up in my knoggin. Probably best to just get on with it, with no particular form in mind.

Right now I have beginnings and endings on my mind. For instance, this week is the end of my college career (for real this time), but it is the beginning (of the beginning) of my life as an...*--achem--* This is very alarming to me. And what's more, every day I look in the mirror and see not Andrew Straight, but my father. I seem to look more and more like him every day. This isn't such a bad thing, I just wish I was more disciplined so I would not continue to grow rounder as the years go by. I was doing so well about a month ago, but this past few weeks I have had no desire whatsoever to exercise, eat right, or anything that would contribute positively to my mental, physical, or emotional well-being. The kicker is that I can barely fit into my jeans these days. Granted, I've had them for about 6 years, but that's beside the point, right?

How do we accumulate so much stuff? To be more specific, how did I accumulate so much stuff? Right now Brady's and my apartment is in shambles because all of my crap is everywhere, in boxes, out of boxes...everywhere. Elanor was sweetly trying to help me purge some of the unnecessary items and help me pack a little tighter (so it will all fit into my tiny Honda Accord)...and for some reason I had such a hard time letting go of...what? Stuff. Space-occupying, never-gonna-look-at-it-except-when-I-move-from-place-to-place Stuff. When did I become so attached to paper? Letters from people that I haven't seen or heard from in years I anxiously guard as if they were part of my own identity...
I have certainly changed over the years...and I am not so sure it's for the better. Is everyone like this? Do they get to a point when they look at themselves and say, "Who is that?" Perhaps these are the typical thoughts of a college graduate?

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